The real tournament i'll be hosting with 1st place getting (either through amazon gift card or e-shop card) $50, 2nd-$35, 3rd-$20, 4th-$10, 5th-$5.
Join our Discord: (give us your FC)
The rules: comment your fc then your user in discussion, 1v1, No items, 2 stocks, 6 minute timer, 1111 meduim mii alowed, No customs, Dave's Stupid Rule is in effect, 5th place is determined by set ratio (3-0>3-2) Then by stocks saved. Semi-finals and up are BO5, everything else is BO3. Games 2+ has the winner of the last game ban two stages and the player who lost picks from any remaining stage.
Starters: Omega stages/Final Destination, Yoshi's island, Battle Field
Counters: Dream Land 64, Duck Hunt, Prism Tower